Saturday, September 11, 2010

Boulder, Colorado

Hey, it's never too late to start blogging. Right?

So I have ended up in Boulder, Colorado.  Off route? Yes.
I was sitting in a convenience store in Walden, CO, after battling with 40 mph winds for 50/60 miles, trying to finish a whole cantelope so I didn't have to carry or waste any of it when Stan and Sylvia walked up.  They offered me a ride. Well, my first inclination is to say "no, I've got to bike this whole thing(thing being the entire coast to coast)" but I paused and rethought. Why not?  This trip is about the experience and the people, not just about the biking.  So I took them up on their offer, had a wonderful ride, an amazing picnic, and ended up coming all the way to Boulder with them and checking out Boulder for a day(Which, by the way, is an awesome, very bike friendly town)

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